
姓名 |
方勤 |
性别 |
女 |
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研究员 |
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博士 |
通讯地址 |
中国科学院武汉病毒研究所409室 |
电话 |
027-87198551 |
邮编 |
430071 |
传真 |
027-87198551 |
电子邮件 |
qfang@wh.iov.cn |
2007/1-至今: 中科院武汉病毒研究所,研究员;
1995-2006: 中科院武汉病毒研究所,副研究员;
1997-1998: 美国匹滋堡大学医学院分子遗传与生化系,访问学者;
1989 -1995: 中科院武汉病毒研究所工作,助理研究员;
1982-1989: 中科院武汉病毒研究所工作,实习研究员;
以水生动物呼肠孤病毒-草鱼呼肠孤病毒(Grass Carp Reovirus, GCRV)为研究模型,进行dsRNA病毒的基因组与衣壳蛋白的结构与功能比较研究,探讨dsRNA病毒内源性转录复制机理以及病毒外衣壳蛋白在侵染过程中与宿主细胞的相互作用机制。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:31672693)
课题名称:GCRV 非结构蛋白NS38协同NS80在宿主细胞中复制的功能研究
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:31372565)
课题名称:GCRV 感染动态示踪及进入细胞途径研究
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号: 31172434)
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:31072233 ),
资助金额: 360,000人民币
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:30871940)
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:30671615),
一. 论文:
1. Zhang J, Guo H, Zhang FX, CheQX, Chang MX*, Fang Q*. NS38 is required for aquareovirus replication viainteraction with viral core proteins and host eIF3A. Virology. 2019;529:216-25.
2. Wang X, Zhang FX, Su R, Li X, Chen W, Chen Q,Yang T, Wang J, Liu H*, Fang, Q*, Cheng L*. Structure of RNA polymerase complexand genome within a dsRNA virus provides insights into the mechanisms oftranscription and assembly. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018;115:7344-9.
3. Zhang F, Guo H, Zhang J,Chen Q, Fang Q*.Identification of the caveolae/raft-mediated endocytosis as the primary entrypathway for aquareovirus. Virology. 2018;513:195-207.
4. Qingxiu Chen, Hong Guo, Fuxian Zhang, QinFang*. N-Terminal Myristoylated VP5 Is Required for Penetrating Cell Membraneand Promoting Infectivity in Aquareoviruses. VS, 2018,33(3)287-290 (IF 2.35)
5. Hong Guo, Jie Zhang, Yaping Wang, Chen Bu,Yanyan Zhou and Qin Fang* . 2017, Comparative Proteomic Analysis of LysineAcetylation in Fish CIK Cells Infected with Aquareovirus,http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms18112419
6. FuxianZhang, Shicui Yan, Hong Guo, Qingxiu Chen, and Qin Fang* . 2017.Characterization of Viral Entry and Infection of QD-labeled Grass CarpReovirus. VIROLOGICA SINICA, 2017, 32 (2): 163–166. DOI:10.1007/s12250-016-3903-5
7. Qingxiu Chen, Jie Zhang, Fuxian Zhang, HongGuo, Qin Fang*.2016.Identification and characterization of two cleavagefragments from the Aquareovirus nonstructural protein NS80. VIROLOGICASINICA,31,314-323.
8. Jie Zhang,Hong Guo,Qingxiu Chen,Fuxian Zhang,Qin Fang(*),The N-terminal ofaquareovirus NS80 is required for interacting with viral proteins and viralreplication,PLos One,2016,11(2):e0148550。
9. Shaoxiang Luo,Liming Yan,Xiaohua Zhang,Li Yuan(*),Qin Fang(*),Yong-An Zhang,Heping Dai,Yeast surfacedisplay of capsid protein VP7 of grass carp reovirus: fundamental investigationfor the development of vaccine against hemorrhagic disease,Journal ofMicrobiology and biotechnology,2015,25(12):2135-2145。
10. Liming Yan,Jie Zhang,Hong Guo,Shicui Yan,Qingxiu Chen,Fuxian Zhang,Qin Fang(*),Aquareovirus NS80initiates efficient viral replication by recruiting core proteins intoreplication-associated viral inclusion bodies,PLoS One,2015,10(5):e0126127。
11. Shicui Yan,Jie Zhang,Hong Guo,Liming Yan,Qingxiu Chen,Fuxian Zhang,Qin Fang(*),VP5 autocleavageis required for efficient infection by in vitro recoated aquareovirus particles,Journal of GeneralVirology,2015,96(Pt7):1795-1800。
12. Guo H,Qingxiu Chen Q,Liming Yan L,Jie Zhang J,Yan S,Zhang F,Fang Q*. Identification of a functional motif in the AqRV NS26 protein requiredfor enhancing the fusogenic activity of FAST protein NS16.J Gen Virol.2015;96:1080-5.
13. Xiaoming Li,Qin Fang(*),High-resolution 3DStructures Reveal the Biological Functions of Reoviruses,Virologica Sinica,2013,28(6):318-325。
14. Wen Dawei,Yan Liming,Shao Ling,Guo Hong,Li Xiaoming,Fang Qin*,Aquareovirusprotein VP6 colocalizes with NS80 protein in infected and transfected cells,Virology Journal,2013,10:1-9。
15. Shao Ling,Guo Hong,Yan Liming,Liu Huan,Fang Qin*,Aquareovirus NS80Recruits Viral Proteins to Its Inclusions, and Its C-Terminal Domain Is PrimaryDriving Force for Viral Inclusion Formation,PLos One,2013,8
16. Guo Hong, SunXiaoyun, Yan Liming, Shao Ling, Fang Qin*. The NS16 protein of aquareovirus-Cis a fusion-associated small transmembrane (FAST) protein, and its activity canbe enhanced by the nonstructural protein NS26. Virus Research,171(1):129-137,2013.
17. Chen Conglin, SunXiaoyun , Liao Lanjie, Luo Shaoxiang, Li Zhouquan, Zhang Xiaohua, Wang Yaping,Guo Qionlin, Fang Qin * , Dai Heping * . Antigenic analysis of grass carpreovirus using single chain fragment variable antibody against IgM fromCtenopharyngodon idella, SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 56(1):59-65,2013.
18. Yan L M, Guo H , Sun X Y, Shao L, Fang Q*.Characterization of grass carp reovirus minor core protein VP4. Virol J, 9:89,2012.
19. Shao L, Sun X Y, Fang Q*. Antibodies againstouter-capsid proteins of grass carp reovirus expressed in E. coli are capableof neutralizing viral infectivity, Virol J, 8:347, 2011.
20. Cai L, Sun X Y, Ling Shao L, Fang Q*.Functional investigation of grass carp reovirus nonstructural protein NS80.Virol J, 8:168, 2011.
21. Fan C,Shao L, Fang Q*.Characterization of the Nonstructural Protein NS80 of Grass Carp Reovirus. ArchVirol, 155: 1755-1763, 2010.
22. Zhang L L, Luo Q, Fang Q*, Wang Y P. AnImproved RT-PCR Assay for Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Grass Carp Reovirus,J Virol Methods. 69: 28-33, 2010.
23. Zhang X, Jin L, Fang Q, Hui W H, Zhou Z H*.3.3 Å Cryo-EM Structure of a Nonenveloped Virus Reveals a Priming Mechanism forCell Entry. Cell, 141: 472-482, 2010.
24. Zhu J, Cheng L, Fang Q, Honig B* & Zhou ZH*. Building and Refining Protein Modelswithin Cryo-electron Microscopy Density Maps Based on Homology Modeling andMulti-scale Structure Refinement, J Mol Biol, 397: 835-851, 2010 . (with cover)
25. Cheng L, Zhu J, Hui W H, Zhang X, Honig B,Fang Q* & Zhou Z H*. Backbone model of an aquareovirus virion by cryo-electron microscopy andbioinformatics, J Mol Biol, 2010, 397: 852-863, 2010.
26. Fang Q*, Seng E K. , Ding Q Q, Zhang LL. Characterization ofInfectious Particles of Grass Carp Reovirus by Treatment with Proteases. ArchVirol, 2008, 153: 675-682.
27. Cheng L, Fang Q*, Shah S, Atanasov Ivo C.& Zhou Z H*. Subnanometer-resolutionThree-Dimensional Structures of the Grass Carp Reovirus Core and Virion, JMB,2008, 382: 213-222.
28. Mohd Jaafar F, Goodwin A E., Belhouchet M,Merry G, Fang Q, Cantaloube J F, Philippe Biagini P, De Micco P, Mertens P P C, Attoui H. Complete characterisation of the American grass carp reovirus genome (genus Aquareovirus: familyReoviridae) reveals an evolutionary link between aquareoviruses andcoltiviruses. Virology. 2008, 373(2):310-321.
二. 授权发明专利:
1. 方勤,颜世翠,郭洪,张杰,闫利明,陈清秀,张付贤. 一种体外组装草鱼呼肠孤病毒制备方法, 2017.10.03,中国 ZL201510148055.1
2. 方勤,丁清泉,邵玲,孙小云. 草鱼呼肠孤病毒基因工程疫苗制备方法, 2014.03.12,中国 201110189906.9
3. 方勤,丁清泉. 表达草鱼呼肠孤病毒外衣壳蛋白的重组杆状病毒及其构建, 2010.6.23,中国 200710168642.2
4. 方勤,丁清泉. 草鱼呼肠孤病毒抗原亚单位疫苗制备, 2007.03.28,中国 ZL200410060881.2