
姓名 |
陈明周 |
性别 |
男 |
职务 |
副主任 |
职称 |
教授 |
学历 |
博士研究生 |
通讯地址 |
武汉大学生命科学学院4015室 |
电话 |
027-68756816 |
邮编 |
430072 |
传真 |
027-68756816 |
电子邮件 |
chenmz@whu.edu.cn |
1996.09-2002.07 华中农业大学,研究生,博士学位;
1992.09-1996.06 华中农业大学,本科,学士学位;
2017.05-至今 武汉大学病毒学国家重点实验室副主任;
2009.12-至今 生命科学学院教授
2005.06-2009.09 美国克利夫兰临床医院,分子遗传学系,,博士后;
2002.01-2005.01 法国里昂第一大学感染与免疫学系,博士后;
《Journalof Virology》编委 (Editorial Board Member)
《Frontiersin Cellular and Infection Microbiology》副主编(Associate Editor)
《VirologicaSinica》编委 (Editorial Board Member)
1. 国家杰出青年科学基金项目(医学部)(基金号:81825015)2019-2023(主持),400万
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(基金号:31630086)2017-2021(主持),345万
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:81471939)2015-2018(主持),100万
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:81271816)2013-2016(主持),70万
5. 国家重点研发计划重点专项(基金号:2017YFA0505800)2017-2022(骨干),130万
6. 国家科技重大专项“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”(基金号:2018ZX10101004) 2018-2020 (骨干),114万
7. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 2014-2016(主持),50万
8. 湖北省自然科学基金创新群体(基金号:2017CFA022)2017-2019(主持),50万
9. 湖北省杰出青年基金 2014-2016(主持),10万
成果(* 通讯作者)
1. Yang X, Hu Z, Zhang Q, Fan S, Zhong Y,Guo D, Qin Y, Chen M*. 2019. SG formation relies oneIF4GI-G3BP interaction which is targeted by picornavirus stress antagonists. CellDiscov. eCollection.
2. Zhang L, Qin Y, ChenM*. Viral strategies for triggering and manipulatingmitophagy. Autophagy. 2018.14(10):1665-1673.
3. Zhang S#, ChengQ#, Luo C, Qin Y*,Chen M*. HumanParainfluenza Virus Type 3 Matrix Protein Reduces Viral RNA Synthesis of HPIV3by Regulating Inclusion Body Formation. Viruses. 2018. 11;10(3).
4. Hu Z, Wang Y, Tang Q, Yang X, Qin Y, Chen M*. Inclusion bodies of humanparainfluenza virus type 3 inhibit antiviral stress granule formation byshielding viral RNAs. PLoS Pathog. 2018. 14(3): e1006948.
5. Yang X, Hu Z, Fan S, Zhang Q, Zhong Y,Guo D, Qin Y, Chen M*.Picornavirus 2A protease regulates stress granule formation to facilitate viraltranslation. PLoS Pathog. 2018.14(2): e1006901.
6. Zhang S#,Cheng Q#, Luo C, Yin L, Qin Y*, Chen M*. An alanine residue in human parainfluenza virustype 3 phosphoprotein is critical for restricting excessive N0-P interactionand maintaining N solubility. Virology. 2018. 518:64-76.
7. Ding B#,Zhang L#, Li Z, Zhong Y, Tang Q, Qin Y, Chen M*. The MatrixProtein of Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Induces Mitophagy that SuppressesInterferon Responses. Cell Host & Microbe. 2017. 21(4):538-547.
8. Zhang S#,Jiang Y#, Cheng Q, Zhong Y, Qin Y, Chen M*. Inclusion bodyfusion of human parainfluenza virus type 3 regulated by acetylated α-tubulinenhances viral replication. Journal of Virology. 2017.91(3). pii: e01802-16.
9. Jiang Y, Qin Y*, Chen M*.Host-Pathogen Interactions inMeasles Virus Replication and Anti-Viral Immunity.Viruses. 2016. 8(11), E308 (Invited review).
10. Yan Q#, Wu L#, Chen L, Qin Y*, Pan Z*, Chen M*. Vesicular stomatitis virus-based vaccinesexpressing EV71 virus-like particles elicit strong immune responses and protectnewborn mice from lethal challenges. Vaccine.2016. 34:4196-4204.
11. ZhangG#,ZhongY#,Qin Y, Chen M*.Interaction of Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Nucleoprotein with MatrixProtein Mediates Internal Viral Protein Assembly. Journal of Virology.2015. 90(5):2306-15.
12. Ding B, Qin Y, Chen M*. Nucleocapsid proteins: rolesbeyond viral RNA packaging. WIREs RNA. 2016. 7(2):213-26. (Invitedreview).
13. Chen L, Zhong Y, Hu Z, Qin Y. Chen M. Chen M*. Two second-site mutations compensatethe engineered mutation of R7A in vesicular stomatitis virus nucleocapsidprotein. Virus Research. 2016. 214:59-64.
14. Chen L#, YanQ#, Lu G, Hu Z, Zhang G, Zhang S, Ding B, Jiang Y, Zhong Y,Gong P, Chen M*.Several residues within the N-terminal arm of vesicular stomatitis virusnucleoprotein play a critical role in protecting viral RNA from nucleasedigestion. Virology. 2015.478:9-17.
15. DingB,ZhangG,YangX,ZhangS,ChenL,YanQ, XuM, BanerjeeAK, ChenM*. Phosphoproteinofhumanparainfluenzavirustype3blocks autophagosome-lysosomefusiontoincreasevirusproduction. CellHost&Microbe. 2014.15(5):564-77.
16. ZhangG,ZhangS,DingB,YangX,ChenL,YanQ,JiangY,ZhongY, ChenM*.ALeucineResidueinC-terminusofHumanParainfluenza VirusType3MatrixProteinIsEssentialforEfficientVirus-LikeParticle andVirionRelease.JournalofVirology.2014.88(22):13173-88.
17. Zhang S, Chen L, Zhang G, Yan Q, Yang X,Ding B, Tang Q, Sun S, Hu Z, Chen M*.An amino acid of human parainfluenza virus type 3 nucleoprotein is critical fortemplate function and cytoplasmic inclusion body formation. Journalof Virology. 2013.87(22):12457-70.
18. ChenL, Zhang S, Banerjee AK and Chen M*.N-Terminal Phosphorylation of Phosphoprotein of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus IsRequired for Preventing Nucleoprotein from Binding to Cellular RNAs and forFunctional Template Formation. Journalof Virology.2013.87(6):3177-86.