
姓名 |
曹志贱 |
性别 |
男 |
职务 |
职称 |
教授 |
学历 |
博士研究生 |
通讯地址 |
武汉大学生命科学学院5114室 |
电话 |
027-68756746 |
邮编 |
430072 |
传真 |
027-68756746 |
电子邮件 |
zjcao@whu.edu.cn |
1999.09-2004.06 武汉大学,生命科学学院微生物系,研究生,博士学位;
1994.09-1998.06 武汉大学,生命科学学院病毒学系,本科,学士学位。
2015.02-至今 武汉大学病毒学国家重点实验室PI、生命科学学院教授;
2014.02-2015.01 美国梅哈里医学院生理学系,访问学者;
2006.12-2014.01 武汉大学生命科学学院,副教授;
2004.09-2006.011 武汉大学生命科学学院,讲师;
1998.07-1999.08 湖南省畜牧兽医研究所,实习研究员。
2014年受邀担任Infectious Disorders—DrugTargets杂志的Regional Editor。
2016年受邀担任Infectious Disorders—DrugTargets杂志的Co-Editor in Chief。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:31872239)
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:31572289)
3. 国家自然科学优秀青年基金项目(基金号:31422049)
4. 国家“十一五”重大新药专项项目 (基金号:2009ZX09103-612)
课题名称: 抗耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA) 耐药病原菌的新型天然多肽药物研制
承担角色: 主持人
资助金额: 1,500,000人民币
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (基金号:30971500)
课题名称: 重组氯毒素BmKCT靶向抗神经胶质瘤的分子机理研究
承担角色: 主持人
资助金额: 300,000人民币
1. Li F,Lang Y, Ji Z, Xia Z, Han Y, Cheng Y, Liu G, Sun F, Zhao Y, Gao M, Chen Z, Wu Y,Li W, Cao Z*. A scorpionvenom peptide Ev37 restricts viral late entry by alkalizing acidic organelles. JBiol Chem. 2019 Jan 4;294(1):182-194.
2. Zeng Z,Zhang R, Hong W, Cheng Y, Wang H, Lang Y, Ji Z, Wu Y, Li W, Xie Y*, Cao Z*. Histidine-richmodification of a scorpion-derived peptide improves bioavailability andinhibitory activity against HSV-1. Theranostics. 2018 Jan1;8(1):199-211.
3. Liu G,Yang F, Li F, Li Z, Lang Y, Shen B, Wu Y, Li W, Harrison PL, Strong PN, Xie Y,Miller K*, Cao Z*.Therapeutic potential of a scorpion venom-derived antimicrobial peptide and itshomologs against antibiotic-resistant gram-positive bacteria. FrontMicrobiol. 2018 May 29;9:1159.
4. Ji Z,Li F, Xia Z, Guo X, Gao M, Sun F, Cheng Y, Wu Y, Li W, Ali SA, Cao Z*. A scorpion venom peptideSmp76 inhibits viral replication by regulating type-I interferon response. VirolSin. 2018 Dec;33(6):545-556.
5. Shen B,Song J, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Liu G, Li X, Guo X, Li W, Cao Z*, Wu Y*. Triintsin, a human pathogenic fungus-deriveddefensin with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. Peptides. 2018Sep;107:61-67.
6. Lang Y,Pi X, Di Z, Zhang Q, Wang H, Shen B, Li F, Liu G, Yu Y, Li X, Wu Y, Li W, Cao Z*. Molecularcharacterization and expression analysis of CSαβ defensin genes from thescorpion Mesobuthus martensii. Biosci Rep. 2017 Dec 15;37(6).
7. Zeng Z,Han S, Hong W, Lang Y, Li F, Liu Y, Li Z, Wu Y, Li W, Zhang X*, Cao Z*. A Tat-conjugated Peptide Nucleic AcidTat-PNA-DR Inhibits Hepatitis B Virus Replication In Vitro and In Vivo byTargeting LTR Direct Repeats of HBV RNA. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2016 Mar15;5:e295.
8. Li Z,Liu G, Meng L, Yu W, Xu X, Li W, Wu Y*, CaoZ*. K1K8: an Hp1404-derived antibacterial peptide. ApplMicrobiol Biotechnol. 2016 Jun;100(11):5069-5077.
9. Meng L,Xie Z, Zhang Q, Li Y, Yang F, Chen Z, Li W, Cao Z*, Wu Y*. Scorpion potassium channel-blockingdefensin highlights a functional link with neurotoxin. J Biol Chem. 2016,291(13):7097-7106.
10. ZhangC, Xie Z, Li X, Chen J, Feng J, Lang Y, Yang W, Li W, Chen Z, Yao J, Cao Z*, Wu Y*. Molecular basis for the toxininsensitivity of scorpion voltage-gated potassium channel MmKv1. BiochemJ. 2016, 473(9):1257-1266.
11. Zeng Z,Zhang Q, Hong W, Xie Y, Liu Y, Li W, Wu Y, CaoZ*. A scorpion defensin BmKDfsin4 inhibits hepatitis Bvirus replication in vitro. Toxins (Basel). 2016 Apr 27;8(5).
12. Hong W,Lang Y, Li T, Zeng Z, Song Y, Wu Y, Li W, CaoZ*. A p7 ion channel-derived peptide inhibits hepatitis Cvirus infection in vitro. J Biol Chem. 2015,290(38):23254-23263.
13. Di Z,Yu Y, Wu Y, Hao P, He Y, Zhao H, Li Y, Zhao G, Li X*, Li W*, Cao Z*. Genome-wide analysis of homeobox genesfrom Mesobuthus martensii reveals Hox gene duplication in scorpions. InsectBiochem Mol Biol. 2015, 61:25-33.
14. Song Y,Gong K, Yan H, Hong W, Wang L, Wu Y, Li W*, Li W*, Cao Z*. Sj7170, a unique dual-functional peptide with aspecific α-chymotrypsin inhibitory activity and apotent tumor activating effect from scorpion venom. J Biol Chem. 2014,289(17):11667-11680.
15. Hong W,Li T, Song Y, Zhang R, Zeng Z, Han S, Zhang X, Wu Y, Li W, Cao Z*. Inhibitory activity and mechanism of two scorpionvenom peptides against herpes simplex virus type 1. Antiviral Res. 2014, 102:1-10.
16. Li Z, Xu X, Meng L, Zhang Q, Cao L, Li W, Wu Y, Cao Z*. Hp1404,a new antimicrobial peptide from the scorpion Heterometrus petersii. PLoSOne. 2014 May 14;9(5):e97539.
17. Cao Z#, Di Z#, Wu Y, Li W. Overview ofscorpion species from China and their toxins. Toxins (Basel).2014 Feb 26;6(3):796-815.
18. Cao Z#, Yu Y#, Wu Y#, Hao P#,Di Z#, He Y#, Chen Z, Yang W, Shen Z, He X, Sheng J, XuX, Pan B, Feng J, Yang X, Hong W, Zhao W, Li Z, Huang K, Li T, Kong Y, Liu H,Jiang D, Zhang B, Hu J, Hu Y, Wang B, Dai J, Yuan B, Feng Y, Huang W, Xing X,Zhao G, Li X, Li Y, Li W. The genome of Mesobuthus martensii reveals a uniqueadaptation model of arthropods. Nat Commun. 2013, 4:2602.
19. Hong W, Zhang R, Di Z, He Y, Zhao Z, Hu J, Wu Y, Li W, Cao Z*. Design of histidine-rich peptides with enhancedbioavailability and inhibitory activity against hepatitis C virus. Biomaterials. 2013, 34(13):3511-3522.
20. He Y, Zhao R, Di Z, Li Z, Xu X, Hong W, Wu Y, Zhao H, Li W, Cao Z*. Molecular diversity of Chaerilidae venom peptidesreveals the dynamic evolution of scorpion venom components from Buthidae tonon-Buthidae. J Proteomics. 2013, 89:1-14.
21. Zhao Z, Hong W, Zeng Z, Wu Y, Hu K, Tian X, Li W*, Cao Z*. Mucroporin-M1inhibits Hepatitis B virus replication by activating the mitogen-activatedprotein kinase (MAPK) Pathway and down-regulating HNF4α in vitro and in vivo. JBiol Chem. 2012, 287(36):30181-30190.
22. Ma Y,He Y, Zhao R, Wu Y, Li W*, Cao Z*.Extreme diversity of scorpion venom peptides and proteins revealed by transcriptomicanalysis: Implication for proteome evolution of scorpion venom arsenal. JProteomics. 2012, 75(5):1563-1576.
23. Chen Y,Cao L, Zhong M, Zhang Y, Han C, Li Q, Yang J, Zhou D, Shi W, He B, Liu F, Yu J,Sun Y, Cao Y, Li Y, Li W, Guo D, CaoZ*, Yan H*. Anti-HIV-1 activity of a new scorpion venom peptidederivative Kn2-7. PLoS One. 2012, 7(4):e34947.
24. Cao L, Dai C, Li Z, Fan Z, Song Y, Wu Y, Cao Z*, Li W*. Antibacterial activity and mechanism of a scorpion venom Peptidederivative in vitro and in vivo. PLoS One. 2012, 7(7):e40135.
25. Fan Z, Cao L, He Y, Hu J, Di Z, Wu Y, Li W*, Cao Z*. Ctriporin,a new anti-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus peptide from the venomof the scorpion Chaerilus tricostatus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011, 55(11):5220-5229.
26. Zhao R, Dai H, Qiu S, Li T, He Y, Ma Y, Chen Z, Wu Y, Li W*, Cao Z*. SdPI, the first functionally characterized Kunitz-typetrypsin inhibitor from scorpion venom. PLoS One. 2011, 6(11):e27548.
27. Yu XF,Sun Z, Li M, Xiang Y, Wang QQ, Tang F, Wu Y, Cao Z*, Li W*. Neurotoxin-conjugated upconversion nanoprobes for directvisualization of tumors under near-infrared irradiation. Biomaterials. 2010, 31(33):8724-8731.
28. Fan S, Sun Z, Jiang D, Dai C, Ma Y, Zhao Z, Liu H, Wu Y, Cao Z*, Li W*. BmKCT toxininhibits glioma proliferation and tumor metastasis. Cancer Lett. 2010, 291(2):158-166.
29. Zhao R,Ma Y, He Y, Di Z, Wu Y, Cao Z*,Li W*. Comparative venom gland transcriptome analysis of the scorpion Lychasmucronatus reveals intraspecific toxic gene diversity and new venomouscomponents. BMC Genomics. 2010, 11:452.
30. Ma Y,Zhao Y, Zhao R, Zhang W, He Y, Wu Y, CaoZ*, Guo L*, Li W*. Molecular diversity of toxic components from thescorpion Heterometrus petersii venom revealed by proteomic and transcriptomeanalysis. Proteomics. 2010, 10(13):2471-2485.
31. Yuan W, Cao L, Ma Y, Mao P, Wang W, Zhao R, Wu Y, Cao Z*, Li W*. Cloningand functional characterization of a new antimicrobial peptide gene StCT1 fromthe venom of the scorpion Scorpiops tibetanus. Peptides. 2010, 31(1):22-26.
32. Zhao Z, Ma Y, Dai C, Zhao R, Li S, Wu Y, Cao Z*, Li W*. Imcroporin, a new cationic antimicrobial peptide from the venom of thescorpion Isometrus maculates. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2009, 83:3472-3477.
33. Ma Y, Zhao R, He Y, Li S, Liu J, Wu Y, CaoZ*, Li W*. Transcriptomeanalysis of the venom gland of the scorpion Scorpiops jendeki: implication forthe evolution of the scorpion venom arsenal. BMC Genomics. 2009, 10:290.
34. Ma Y, Zhao R, Li S, Fan S, Wu Y, Liu H, Cao Z*, Li W*. Characterization of LmTxLP11 and LmVP1.1 transcripts and genomicorganizations: Alternative splicing contributing to the diversity of scorpionvenom peptides. Toxicon. 2009, 53:129-134.
35. Dai C, Ma Y, Zhao Z, Zhao R, Wang Q, Wu Y, Cao Z*, Li W*. Mucroporin, the first cationic host defence peptide from the venom ofLychas mucronatus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2008, 52(11):3967-3972.
36. Wu W,Yin S, Ma Y, Wu YL, Zhao R, Gan G, Ding J, CaoZ*, Li W*. Molecular cloning and electrophysiological studies on thefirst K(+) channel toxin (LmKTx8) derived from scorpion Lychas mucronatus. Peptides.2007, 28: 2306-2312.
37. Cao Z#, Luo F, Wu Y, Mao X, LiW*. Genetic Mechanisms ofScorpion Venom Peptides Diversification. Toxicon. 2006, 47: 348-355.
38. Cao Z#, Mao X, Xu X, Sheng J, Dai C, Wu Y, Luo F,Sha Y, Jiang D, Li W*. Adaptive evolution after gene duplication in α-KTx14subfamily from Buthus martensii Karsch. IUBMB life. 2005, 57: 513-521.
39. Cao Z#, Xiao F, Peng F, Jiang D, Mao X, Liu H, LiW*, Hu D, Wang T. Expression, purification and functional characterization of arecombinant scorpion venom peptide BmTXKβ. Peptides. 2003, 24: 187-192.
40. Cao Z#, Zhu S, Li W*, Jiang D,He X, Liu H.. Genomicorganization of BmTXKβ and BmTXKS2, two scorpion venom peptides from Buthusmartensii Karsch. IUBMB life. 2001, 51:305-308.